The Top and Free Online Courses for Digital Marketers: Social media merketing

Facebook marketing is something that is getting more and more popular as time goes on.
 The reason for this is because millions of people log into Facebook every single day. 
This is why it makes sense to use it for marketing purposes. Read through the tips presented here to expand your Facebook marketing knowledge:

The Top and Free Online Courses for Digital Marketers: Social media merketing
The Top and Free Online Courses for Digital Marketers: Social media merketing

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***16Tips Share Here:
1. Do not sign up for a Facebook account and expect the name of your brand to speak for itself. Even if the brand you are marketing is fairly well established, you still need to do work to make it even more popular. Failing to do this may result in you losing some of your fans.

2. If you don't have time to maintain a Facebook page for your business, you can still use Facebook for marketing. Facebook provides ads on their site which can easily be hyper-targeted towards your exact target demographic, from their sex and age to their likes and dislikes, making your campaign hyper-successful, too.

3. Make your posts professional in tone and spirit at all times. While social media usually has a relaxed tone, present your business and yourself professionally. When you keep a professional tone, you are respected more by customers.

4. By using the Power Editor, you can get your marketing post into mobile user's news feed, the best way to reach those who aren't using a traditional computer to access Facebook. In fact, there are also "Desktop News Feeds" which go to those on computers as well, so you can target both. Read more>>

5. If you are using Facebook to market your business, make sure that you completely fill in the "about" section. This is a great way to communicate what your business is about. It is also an excellent area to put in contact information, locations, phone numbers and other helpful information about your business.

6. If you have a follower complaining on your Facebook page, try your best to resolve the issue publicly. This will let others know that you are a reputable business and will handle all of your obligations. If you cannot resolve a dispute with a customer publicly, try handling it in private.

 7. Use Facebook as a customer service tool. Invite customers to send you questions, comments or complaints by commenting on your Facebook page. This is a great way to display your excellent customer service policies. Answer questions in details and offer refunds or new products right away to the customers who complain.

8. If you want to use Promoted Posts, do so only with your current fan base. When a non-fan sees "Promoted", they think it's a "Sponsored Ad" and tend not to click on it. Your current fans won't think..More>>

9. Use pictures. Once you've got your site set up, share pictures with your Facebook friends and fans. These pictures can be of your product, or they can be inspirational or funny pictures. Your customers will share these pictures with their own Facebook friends, which raises your exposure across the site and will lead people to you.

10. Avoid posting non-related updates that don't enhance your content value. You may feel the temptation to discuss current events, or perhaps share personal anecdotes, but your fans may not care. Stick to your personal profile for these sorts of discussions.

11. Don't turn off the option that lets others post whatever they want to your page. Not allowing your customers to post causes them to think that you don't care about their opinions...more>>

12. Promote your Facebook posts on Twitter. Twitter is an amazing social media for link sharing. If you take the time to craft some excellent Facebook posts, then get the word out by passing it through your Twitter stream. Don't be afraid to tweet it a few times over the course of the week to help the content gain some traction.

13. Post on a variety of topics, but all within your niche. Yes, it's important to write content that's brand related, but you don't want every post to seem the same. Find different types of content that will keep your fans engaged. Share pictures and ask questions along with normal posts.

14. Do not hesitate to moderate the negative comments you receive on your Facebook page. Some customers will probably post complaints on your Facebook page. Try satisfying them by offering a free product or a refund but do not start an argument. You could develop a negative image for your brand if your customers see negative comments on your page.

15. Post consistently, but don't scattershot your posting. While it's good to post every day, that doesn't mean that you need to post ten to twenty times a day to move the needle! That can actually be just as bad as not posting at all. People may think of your posts as social media spam at that level. Be moderate here.

16. You need to remember that just because there are a lot of people that like your page does not mean you will win. You want to have fans who want to buy from you and will share the content you post. The conversion rate is what determines the success of your campaign
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1 comment:

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